Plan miasta Neusand

Neusand - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Alex Engwete: Anthropolojoy: The Jazz Bar on Chambers Street in ...

(Item: Mark Twain called King Leopold II a ?dinosaur? for what was transpiring in the great king's estate of the Congo; uncannily, Zairians called Mobutu a ?dinosaur? for what he was pulling in his estate of the Congo; and to my knowledge, .....?O, distortion guitar, strange piercing colors. Silences streaked by galaxies and doppelgangers: -O the omega, violet, rays, Jesus! The guy is a genius!? Neus and Niccolo. Bookmark and Share. Posted by Alex Engwete at 2:25 PM ...
źródło: BlogSearch

MY FAVOURITE FOOD I'm Neus and I love sugar and s...

MY FAVOURITE FOOD I'm Neus and I love sugar and sweets too. I like eggs, fruit, ice cream, soup, bread, chicken, nuts, olives... I don't mind meat, rice, juice, cake, salami, watermelon... I hate onions, vegetables, cheese, mushrooms, ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Music List: Lista de reproducción sin título

Chico & Nicky B - Hotel Room; : Los Manolos- El Meu Avi; : Paco De Lucia, Camaron - Una Rosa Pa Tu Pelo; : Ragga, Dancehall - Gwada 971000 Vs Madinina 972000 - Dj Jairo - Krys, Saik, Admiral T & Kerozen; : Rodolfo Chikilicuatre - El ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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